
Igor Ajdži Sabo

Albums Support

Selected songs

  • 01 Sofia 00:06:08
  • 02 April Fanfare Dream 00:04:08
  • 03 Riekanka 00:04:50
  • 04 Elégia 00:06:41
About the artist

Ajdži has been closely connected with our label since its beginnings.

He started playing drums in the 90s as a self-taught musician. His first band was Bosá Noha with Marcel Buntaj, Maťko Gašpar and Stano Počaji.

He collaborated with Oskar Rózsa, Free Faces, Richard Müller, IMT Smile, Peter Lipa, Robo Grigorov and Longital. For many years he intensively played with Jana Kirschner and contributed to her successful albums.

He is currently part of the band Banda, Oblačný systém and also plays with Sima Magušinová, Martin Turčan and Erich "Boboš" Procházko.

Ajdži Sabo released three albums at Slnko Records with Martin Zajko as a duo Slide & Udu.


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