On the new album, Trojka Z.H. brings to light old and not always flattering stories about ourselves.
A look into the past and the archives of Slovak folk songs can bring to light themes that transcend the time and place of their creation. Zuzana Homolová has been performing folk ballads for decades and has become a synonym for this genre in Slovakia. On the latest album Šak je to láska zlá, she focused her attention on intimate relationship songs about family, love ballads with hints of violence and bullying, songs about abandoned children, but also lighter, more cheerful pieces.
Šak je to láska zlá is a collection of 12 songs from different regions and countries. Their arrangements were largely taken care of by Miloš Železňák, partly a jazzman, multi-instrumentalist and master of stringed instruments. An important role plays the violinist Samo Smetana, who, in addition to the arrangements, also took care of the male singing parts in the stories of the songs.
The visual side of the album was taken care of by Trojka's longtime collaborator, graphic designer Mária Rojko, who used the works of artist Ivana Šáteková from her series Sviatočné predstieranie. The embroideries on traditional white cloth about the dark side of human nature fit very well with the context and message of the record.
- 01 Mamka, ožením sa 00:02:07
- 02 Zvárá žena 00:02:13
- 03 Mužu, mužu 00:02:12
- 04 Na jednej doliňe 00:05:00
- 05 Tam hore, tam dole 00:03:36
- 06 Ňebi, švagre, sestru 00:03:36
- 07 Chodzí Janko 00:04:00
- 08 La blanche biche 00:04:47
- 09 Mosíme sa ďiouke 00:02:46
- 10 Nabiv me muž 00:02:33
- 11 A vy dzeci 00:03:31
- 12 Šak je to láska zlá 00:04:45